Prof. Dr. Anne Kwaschik

Universität Konstanz

Department of History, Sociology, Empirical Educational Research and Sport Science
Universitätsstraße 10, Box 11
78464 Konstanz, Germany

Phone: +49 7531 88-2154
Room: E 310d


Orcid: 0009-0009-9110-5468

Consultation hours

18.09.2024 15:30 to 16:30 via Zoom

10.10.2024 13:30 to 14:30 in person or via Zoom

Wintersemester 2024/25

25.10.2024 11:00 to 12:00 in person or via Zoom

More appointments during the semester will be made available at the beginning of the semester

If you would like to make an appointment for this consultation hour, please register in advance by emailing the secretary

For signatures, please contact the secretary.


Anne Kwaschik is a Professor of History of Knowledge at the University of Konstanz (W3) and President of the German-French Historians Committee. She has taught and researched in Berlin (FU Berlin, TU Berlin), Paris (EHESS ; CIERA ; DHIP; CNAM), New York (NYU), Rome (Roma Tre), and at Roskilde University (Denmark). Her research interests concern the intellectual history of Western Europe in its global interconnections from the 19th to the 21st century. Her dissertation on the historiography of mentalities by the French cultural historian Robert Minder was awarded the Friedrich Meinecke Prize for an outstanding dissertation (2007) and the French-German Parliamentary Prize (2010). In 2019, she received the LUKS teaching award of the University of Konstanz (awarded by the students).

Current Research Interests

Anne Kwaschik's current research interests concern the scientification of the colonial in the 19th and 20th centuries, epistemologies of feminism and the history of health feminism, as well as the history of social experimentation and contemporary diagnosis in the early 19th century. She includes these research interests in three collaborative projects at the University of Konstanz:

She has been Principal Investigator of the Konstanz Centre for Human | Data | Society  since 2022.

She is Principal Investigator of the planned SFB 1614 "Serious Gaming: Taking Gaming Seriously" Subproject C03 "Ludification of Work in Historical Perspective", submitted in May 2023.

She is Principal Investigator of the interdisciplinary research initiative Transforming Infrastructure: Cultural Perspectives.

For an overview and more information on the research projects, click here.

Functions at the University of Konstanz (selection)

Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Konstanz (since 2019); Member of the Extended Board of Directors of the Centre for Cultural Inquiry (ZKF); Chairwoman of the Board of the Karst Foundation; Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Social Science Archive Konstanz; Member of the Board of Trustees for the Award of the Prize of the District of Konstanz for the Promotion of Young Academics at the University of Konstanz

Functions/Memberships (national/international) (selection)

Member of the International Advisory Board of the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK); Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institut d'Etudes Avancées de Lyon (Collegium de Lyon); Associate Member of the Centre Georg Simmel (CNRS-UMR 8131, EHESS Paris) ; Associate Member of the History of Knowledge Cluster of Excellence/Laboratoire d'Excellence HASTEC (Histoire et anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances); Collège doctoral franco-allemand "Construire les différences: structure, ordre social, communication" (EHESS/TU Dresden/HUB/DFH); Member of the Comité de lecture of the journal "Genre & Histoire"; Editor of the publication series of the German-French Historians’ Committee; Member of the DFG research network "Modern Expeditions. Politics, Actors, and Epistemologies of Research Travel since the 19th Century."

From 2020 to 2023 she is an Academic Coordinator and since 2022 she is a Member of the Scientific Council in the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Work Package 2 Research Group ("Re-imagining Higher Education and Research").

You can download the complete curriculum vitae here.

In the University’s Magazine Campus and under the following link, you will find a short presentation of Prof. Dr. Anne Kwaschik.

Find an article in German about Prof. Dr. Anne Kwaschik's research project "Testläufe für ein besseres Leben" (Test runs for a better life) in the University's Magazine uni'kon (77/2022) and under this link.

Selected Publications

Kwaschik, Anne, Experimental Discourse and Fourierist Settlements in the 1840s and 1850s in: History of Intellectual Culture 3 (2024), S. 159-180, [will be published in autumn].

Emmanuel Droit / Anne Kwaschik und Silke Mende (Hg.), France, Allemagne, Afrique: Représentations, transferts, relations, (Schriften des Deutsch-Französischen Historikerkomitees, 22) Fritz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2024. DOI Open Access

Kwaschik, Anne, Autonomie und Institution. Frauenbewegung und Frauenforschung in der BRD (1976-1982), in: Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte 24 (2024), [27 pages, will be published in autumn].

Kwaschik, Anne, Reconstructing Colonial Sociology, in: Social Science History 48/1 (2024), pp. 146-150 DOI: .

Kwaschik, Anne, Zwischen Wissenschaft und Utopie. Zur Plausibilisierung von Gesellschaftswissen im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, in: Thomas Kirsch / Christina Wald (Hg.), Vorläufige Gewissheiten. Plausibilität als soziokulturelle Praxis, transcript, Bielefeld 2024, S. 97-114. open access

Kwaschik, Anne, Auf der Suche nach einer Wissenschaft von der Kolonisierung. Netzwerke kolonialer Wissensproduktion und disziplinäre Grenzziehungen im imperialen Zeitalter in Belgien, in: GWU 74/9,10 (2023), pp. 501-516.

Fourment, Emeline / Kwaschik, Anne (Hg.), Mobilisations de femmes et savoirs médicaux de puis les années 1970, Critique internationale 99, (2023). HAL: ⟨halshs-04087472⟩.

Kwaschik, Anne, “We Witches.” Knowledge Wars, Experience and Spirituality in the Women’s Movement in the 1970s, in: NTM 31 (2023), pp. 171-199, DOI:

Kwaschik, Anne, Constructing Difference: Feminist Witch Discourses in the 1970s, in: Storia e problemi contemporanei 89 (2022), pp. 85-105, DOI:

Kwaschik, Anne, Scientific Colonialism: Zum konstitutiven Zusammenhang von Wissen und „colonial governance“, in: Peter Weingart/Gunnar Folke Schuppert/Roland Römhildt (Hg.), Herrschaft und Wissen, Nomos-Verlag: Baden-Baden 2022, S. 115-141, DOI: . KOPS

Kwaschik, Anne, Die Verwissenschaftlichung des Kolonialen als kultureller Code und internationale Praxis, in: Historische Anthropologie 28 (2020), pp. 399-423, DOI:

Kwaschik, Anne, Der Griff nach dem Weltwissen. Zur Genealogie von Area Studies im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Kritische Studien für Geschichtswissenschaft, 229), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2018, DOI:

Kwaschik, Anne, Gesellschaftswissen als Zukunftshandeln. Soziale Epistemologie, genossenschaftliche Lebensform und kommunale Praxis im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, in: Francia 44 (2017), pp. 189-211, DOI:

Kwaschik, Anne, Transatlantic Exchanges. Fernand Braudel, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Cold War Origins of the Center for Area Studies in Paris, in: Corine Defrance / Anne Kwaschik (Hg.), La guerre froide et l’internationalisation des sciences. Acteurs, réseaux et institutions, CNRS Editions, Paris 2016, pp. 71-90, DOI:

Complete list of publications