Conference “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Rights. Health Feminism, Reproductive Knowledge and Women's Activism Across Europe in the long 20th Century”

19. bis 21. Oktober 2023

University of Konstanz: Building K, Conference Room Level K7

Veranstaltet von
Anne Kwaschik (University of Konstanz), Isabel Heinemann (University of Bayreuth), Emeline Fourment (Rouen Normandy University), Heidi Hein-Kircher (Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

The conference “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Rights. Health Feminism, Reproductive Knowledge and Women's Activism Across Europe in the long 20th Century” will take place at the University of Konstanz from the 19th-21st of October 2023.

The conference aims at exploring health feminism and women's activism from the perspective of the history of knowledge. It intends to interrogate the homogeneity of the existing Western European narratives focusing on the 1970s and on the argument that North America was the hub of knowledge transfer to the rest of the world. Against this background, this conference focuses on other transnational transfers, from Europe to the US, or within Europe and asks participants to reconsider periodization.