Dr Sibylle Röth

Universität Konstanz
AG Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
Box 5
78457 Konstanz

Phone: +49 7531 88-3325
Office: F 358

Academic support hours during the semester: thursdays 12.00-13.00 (please notify me via e-mail)

Academic support hours during term break:
01.08.: 14h-15h
03.09.: 14h-15h (or by appointment)
17.10.:   14h-15h (or by appointement)

Research Interests 

  • Intellectual History of the Enlightenment
  • Development of Political Currents
  • History of Political Philosophy History
  • History of French Wars of Religion and Catholic Radicalism
  • History of the European Reformation(s) and the Confessional Civil Wars
  • History of Ideas in the Early Modern Law of Resistance

Current Research Project

The French Holy League as an Polyvalent Event. Self-Representation, External Perceptions and Historiographical Receptions.

Completed PhD project

Concepts of Equality and Inequality in late German Enlightenment

Academic career

Since April 2018: Post-doc, Assistant at the Research Group for Early Modern History, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schlögl and Prof. Dr. Achim Landwehr at the University of Konstanz.

March 2018: Doctorate (Dr. phil.), Department of History and Sociology at the University of Konstanz. Grade: Summa cum laude

June 2014-2018: Research assistant in the Research Group for Early Modern History, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schlögl at the University of Konstanz

December 2011-May 2014: Research assistant at the research unit "Signatures of the Early Modern Period" at the University of Konstanz

January-December 2011: Research assistant at the Chair of Early Modern Studies/at the Research Centre "Laboratory of the Enlightenment" at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

2002-2010: Studies in Modern History, Philosophy and Political Science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena


September/October 2021: Karl Ferdinand Werner Fellowship at the DHI Paris

2012-2014: PhD scholarship of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

May 2012: Herzog Ernst Fellowship of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation at the Research Library Gotha

2005-2008: Study scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation

Conferences and presentations


"Normative and Legalistic Means to Justify the Right of Resistance in the German Religious Wars of the 16th Century" at the (online) conference "Civil Wars in History: 1500-2000", 10.-11. September 2021, by the University College Dublin (UCD Centre of War Studies) and the Society for the History of War.

"Die Un-Bedingtheit der Freiheit. Das Ideal der freien Arbeit in der Auseinandersetzung um die Abschaffung der Leibeigenschaft" at the conference "Zur Freiheit der Arbeit im Kapitalismus", 6.-8. February 2020 at th University of Bochum.

"The Constraints of Reason: How the Enlightened Concept of ‘Reason’ Obstructs the Claim for Equal Political Liberty" at the ISECS International Congress on the Enlightenment on ‘Enlightenment Identities’, 14.-19. July 2019 at the University of Edinburgh.

"Über die materielle Unvorbedingtheit des Glücks. Ein Beitrag zum öffentlichen Diskurs der deutschen Aufklärung" at the 5th Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences on "Reichtum/ Richess", 5.-7. June 2019 at the University of Zürich.

"Nach dem Kalten Krieg – ist soziale Gerechtigkeit als naturrechtliche Forderung konzipierbar? " at the workshop "Menschenrechte ohne Religion. Die unabgeschlossene Säkularisierung politisch-juridischer Grundstrukturen", 20.-21. September 2018 at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena



Grenzen der Gleichheit. Forderungen nach Gleichheit und die Legitimation von Ungleichheit in Zeitschriften der deutschen Spätaufklärung, Hannover 2022.

Journal Articles

Unconditioned Freedom. The Abolition of Serfdom as discursive Context of the Ideal of Free Labor, in: Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 69 (2023), Special Issue: On the Freedom of Labour in Capitalism, pp. 73-93.

Die materielle Unvorbedingtheit des Glücks? Die gesellschaftsstabilisierende Funktion des Glücksdiskurses in der deutschen Publizistik der 1750er bis 1780er Jahre, in: Historische Anthropologie 30,2 (2022), Special Issue: Wissenskulturen des Glücks, pp. 160-179.

Das Individuum als Illusion der bürgerlichen Subjektkonzeption? Vormoderne und postmoderne Kritik, in: Der Mensch in Gesellschaft. Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen Subjekts in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. byMichael Hohlstein, Rudolf Schlögl and Isabelle Schürch, Paderborn 2019, pp. 289-318.

Der entfesselte Souverän. Das Volk und seine Repräsentanten in der Französischen Revolution, in: Jenseits der Ordnung? Zur Mächtigkeit der Vielen in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. by Jan Marco Sawilla and Rudolf Schlögl unter Mitarbeit von Jan Behnstedt-Renn, Berlin 2019, pp. 291-319.

"Liberal at Heart" - "Conservative by Instinct". Konservative Tendenzen in Christoph Martin Wielands Stellungnahmen zur Französischen Revolution, in: Wieland-Studien 9 (2015), pp. 203-235.


Review on Carolin Schäfer, Authority’ in Ordnung und Aufruhr: Der Autoritätsdiskurs während der Englischen Revolution und des Interregnums, in: German Historical Institute London Bulletin XLIV,2 (2022), pp. 130–136.


Current courses see here.