St. Marks Place, 1968. Foto: James Jowers.
Copyright: George Eastman House. No restrictions

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Contemporary History

On the following pages you may find information on our research interests, on publications and on our courses.


St. Marks Place, 1968. Foto: James Jowers. Quelle: George Eastman House. No restrictions.

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d)

Für die an der Universität Konstanz angesiedelte geschichtswissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift „Geschichte und Gesellschaft“ suchen wir eine Redaktionsassistenz.

zur Stellenausschreibung

Picture of the dead sea
Wikimedia und unter der CC 3.0 Lizenz zur Verwendung freigegeben

Matter and Meaning
Workshop on Environmental Humanities

Second workshop “matter and meaning” hosted at the Environmental Science Center (WZU) of the University of Augsburg investigates both material histories and the intricate relationships that exist between societies and their material and ecological environment.

Workshop 30 September - 1 October 2024
Environmental Science Center (WZU) of the University of Augsburg

For details and program please click here

60 Years: Fascism Seminar Revisited
International conference - 9 to 13 January 2025 - Rome

George L. Mosse Program in History
The 2025 conference will ask: Can historians make comparisons between different national contexts? What constitutes a “fascist empire”? How did European far-right movements seek to reshape the bodies of their populace? And is it meaningful to use the terms “fascism” and “fascist” to describe contemporary political movements?

Sven Reichardt (University of Konstanz) one of the participants: "Violence and War"

American Academy in Rome and at La Sapienza Università di Roma
Full conference description

Geschichte und Gesellschaft - Zeitschrift für Historische Sozialwissenschaft

New from January 1, 2024

The magazine “Geschichte und Gesellschaft” is created at the Chair of Contemporary History at the University of Konstanz in collaboration with the Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Publisher. The editorial team, located in Konstanz, is the interface between the authors, editors and reviewers of “Geschichte und Gesellschaft” and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.