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Call for Papers: Calibrating Narratives of Violence in 20th Century Europe: Liberal, Fascist, Communist, (Post-) Colonial
Prague, 28-30 November 2024

Der Lehrstuhl für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der Universität Konstanz lädt in Kooperation mit dem Masaryk-Institut und dem Archiv der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Prag zu einer zweitägigen Konferenz ein, die sich mit konzeptionellen, interpretatorischen und narrativen Fragen der Historiographie der Gewalt im modernen Europa beschäftigt.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier

Dr. Maria Buko was awarded in the FNP MONOGRAPHS competition

We are pleased to announce that the Publishing Council of the Foundation for Polish Science has awarded Dr. Maria Buko an award in the FNP MONOGRAPHS competition. Dr. Buko's doctoral thesis, titled "The Second Generation of the Camps. Memory and Experience of the Descendants of Polish Prisoners of German Nazi Concentration Camps." will soon be published in the "golden" series of the FNP.

FNP monographs are a series of outstanding works in the field of humanities and social sciences, which have been selected in the competition of the Foundation for Polish Science continuously since 1994.

More about the competition on the FNP website 

Eine gesamteuropäische Geschichte der Gewalt im 20. Jahrhundert

Die Volkswagen Stiftung fördert das ambitionierte Vorhaben von Pavel Kolář, Professor für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der Universität Konstanz

Weitere Informationen 

Colloquium Modern History – Sommersemester 2024

Dienstags, 17-18:30 Uhr, Raum G308





Dr. Maria Buko was awarded in the FNP MONOGRAPHS competition

We are pleased to announce that the Publishing Council of the Foundation for Polish Science has awarded Dr. Maria Buko an award in the FNP MONOGRAPHS competition. Dr. Buko's doctoral thesis, titled "The Second Generation of the Camps. Memory and Experience of the Descendants of Polish Prisoners of German Nazi Concentration Camps." will soon be published in the "golden" series of the FNP.

FNP monographs are a series of outstanding works in the field of humanities and social sciences, which have…


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