Dr. Emeline Fourment

Universität Konstanz

Department of History, Sociology, Empirical Educational Research and Sport Science
Universitätsstraße 10, Box 11
78464 Konstanz, Germany

E-Mail: emeline.fourment@univ-rouen.fr


Emeline Fourment is Assistant Professor in political science at the University Rouen (France). She began her collaboration with the Chair of the History of Knowledge at the University of Konstanz during the winter semester of 2020/2021. She is working on a research project about body knowledge production and institutionalization processes in the German women's health movement ["Zwischen Politik und Spiritualität. Produktion und Institutionalisierung von Körperwissen in der bundesdeutschen Frauengesundheitsbewegung (1970er˗1980er Jahre)"]. This project examines a plurality of types of body knowledge (biomedicine, alternative medicine, experiential and esoteric types of knowledge) and investigates how their legitimacy has been redefined within the movement. It pays particular attention to the ways activists questioned the androcentrism of the sciences and sought to overcome it through alternative healing, spiritualism, and/or shamanism.

Emeline Fourment has researched and taught at Sciences Po Paris, the University of Rouen, Humboldt University, the University of Québec in Montreal (UQÀM), and the University of Geneva. Her dissertation defended in early 2021 (Theories in action. Appropriations of feminist theories within anti-authoritarian communities in Berlin and Montreal) in Political Science (Comparative Political Sociology) examined various appropriations of feminist theories (materialist, queer or intersectional theories) in anti-authoritarian communities in Berlin and Montreal.

Emeline Fourment is also co-coordinator of the international French-speaking research network VisaGe which focuses on gender-based violence. She also participates in the project “Féminismes en revue” (Feminisms in Magazine), which digitalizes and analyses the French women's movement’s magazines of the 1970s.

A video presenting the research project "Zwischen Politik und Spiritualität. Produktion und Institutionalisierung von Körperwissen in der bundesdeutschen Frauengesundheitsbewegung (1970er˗1980er Jahre)" in French can be found here.

The project was supported for two months in 2022 with a research grant from CIERA (Interdisciplinary Center for Studies and Research on Germany).

You can find a detailed curriculum vitae here.

Selected Publications

Fourment, Emeline/Kwaschik, Anne (ed.): Mobilisations de femmes et savoirs médicaux depuis les années 1970, in: Critique internationale, Nr. 99, (2023).

Fourment, Emeline: Analysing informal and indirect participation to transnational activist networks: The case of antiauthoritarian feminists in Berlin and Montreal. In: Di Donato Michele/Fulla Mathieu (ed.): Leftist Internationalisms: A Transnational Political History. London (2023), S. 233-247.

Fourment, Emeline/Kwaschik, Anne: Contestations, appropriations et productions de savoirs par les femmes. Réflexions sur les catégories d'analyse d'un champ de recherche émergent, in: Critique internationale, Nr. 99, (2023), S. 11-18.

Fourment, Emeline : Les ambivalences du militantisme ouest-allemand pour la santé des femmes : entre appropriations et remises en cause des savoirs médicaux (1971-1975), in: Critique internationale, Nr. 99 (2023) S. 19-40.

Fourment, Emeline : L’université produit-elle des féministes libertaires ? Imbrications et tensions entre socialisation universitaire et socialisation militante » [Does academia produce anti-authoritarian feminists? Tensions and intersections between academic and activist socialization]. In: Revue française de science politique, 72, Nr. 1-2 (2022), S. 127-147.

Fourment, Emeline : Une “dinosaure chercheuse” dans le milieu libertaire allemand. Effets d'une double casquette de chercheuse et de militante [A “dinosaur researcher” in the German anti-authoritarian sphere. The impact of being both researcher and activist.]. In: Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique 144, Nr. 1 (2019), S. 55–75.

Fourment, Emeline : Militantismes libertaire et féministe face aux violences sexuelles. Le cas de la gauche radicale de Göttingen [Leftist and feminist activism in the face of sexual violence. The case of Göttingen's radical left]. In: Sociétés Contemporaines 3, Nr. 107 (2017), S.109-130.

Fourment, Emeline : Le clivage matérialisme vs queer : un conflit générationnel ? La conciliation des approches féministes dans le militantisme féministe de Göttingen. [The split between materialist and queer feminisms: a generational conflict? The reconciliation of both feminist approaches in Göttingen feminist activism] In: Nouvelles Questions Féministes, Nr. 36/1 (2017), S. 48-65.